OVER 300 SQUARES!Bead-it-Forward received 347 squares this year! Thank you to everyone who contributed squares. Thank you to the bead stores and bead societies who collaborated with events and awesome mosaics!
Due to high costs of maintaining a private domain, the Bead-it-Forward.com website will be moved to a free blogger site. If you attempt to go to the site and it is not working, please go to http://beaditforward.blogspot.com. Also - for contact information please use this email: amybeadspatterns@gmail.com.
There are still plenty of quilts available from 2016 and 2015!!! Many were sold at a quilt event last September, and some through craft shows in the past two years. In the meanwhile, Bead&Button Magazine continues to show its support for the event and has offered to auction off some quilts at this year's Bead&Button Show. As quilts and other crafted objects become assembled this year, they will be added to the Etsy site that has the quilts from previous years.
Selling finished products has been a true challenge of this project. Many folks have offered some new ideas to help move product along and continue raising money. A survey will go out in the next two days to get feedback on some new ideas. Ideas include:
selling the squares unassembled for buyers to do what they wish with them (make jewelry or decorate with them), donating quilts to auctions across the country that benefit breast cancer research and care, and more. Stay tuned for the survey, your opinion is important!
2018 THEME
One of the questions in the upcoming survey will be a question about the 2018 theme. Many people have suggested bringing back one of the themes from the previous years. Please share your thoughts about it in the survey!
2015 & 2016 Quilts
There are still plenty of quilts available from 2016 and 2015. Visit the Etsy shop to see what's available!
Bead-it-Forward could use some assembly help! If you are interested in helping assemble quilts, ornaments or other crafted object, please get in touch! We will mail you some quilts and supplies (along with a return envelope!) Click here to get more information.
We need more blank quilts! Do you know anyone who is a quilter? If so please see if they would be willing to donate some mini quilts!
Beaded square contributed by Donna M. See more squares by clicking here and visiting the Bead-It-Forward Facebook page.